Next step (WITHOUT prefilled datas)

Congratulations, your personal space has been created !

This will allow us to communicate and safely exchange documents.


Watch out :

  • In order for us to process your demand, we invite you to fulfill the second survey, hereinabove. 
  • As soon as your registration will be validated (within 24 hours to 72 hours generally, one week utmost), you will receive your username, please keep a close watch on your spams !


Why a second form ?

Science Accueil is a not-for-profit association. With this state of mind we are doing everything we can to assist you in the process of moving in and living well every day.

This second form respond to a requirement for all of the “Eurassex’s Mobility Centers” of the French network, which is a certification label given by the European commission for our missions of assisting scientists’, and allow a statistical tracking of the scientists’ mobility assisted by us.

Your datas are safe with us !

* The personal information that you provide us with will only be consulted by the mobility agents of Science Accueil or, if need be, other French Euraxess centers that you may request in a future, as well as by the statisticians of the Alfred Kastler National Foundation, who are bound by professional secrecy. For this purpose, the data will be anonymized for statistical purposes. Your right to review, modify or delete your data is of course applicable in accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” of 2004.

Once this second form has been validated, you will receive news from us as soon as possible.