The GATE : a welcome desk for international talents
In the rapidly growing Paris-Saclay area, all local stakeholders have joined forces to establish an effective system for welcoming international students, researchers, and employees.
This multi-service platform, open at the start of each academic year since 2018, is fueled by the unique energy that pervades the Paris-Saclay area: a strong connection and commitment from higher education institutions, R&D centers, state operators, and international mobility stakeholders.
By simplifying administrative procedures, the goal of this one-stop service is to enhance the global visibility and attractiveness of this scientific and technological innovation hub, one of the most dynamic in Europe.
The GATE (as for welcome desk for international Talents) opens its doors every academic year. Welcome to Paris-Saclay!
Click on the image to see the GATE services
The massive arrival of tens of thousands of scientists in the Paris-Saclay area justifies the creation of an original and efficient system to accelerate large-scale administrative procedures for their settlement. This is an important tool in addressing the challenge of the region’s attractiveness and its economic development.
On the administrative front, three partners decided in 2017 to join forces and pool their expertise to address the complexity of the procedures faced by a researcher or foreign student wishing to settle in France. These partners are the Palaiseau Sub-Prefecture, the University of Paris-Saclay, and Science Accueil. Since 2022, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris has also joined in the co-management of GATE.
Together, they have created and are managing a platform called the Guichet d’Accueil des Talents Étrangers (GATE), which brings together multiple administrations and operators under a single banner.

Ex pluribus unum
Its motto, “Ex pluribus, unum,” in English, “Out of many, one,” aptly illustrates the goal that the platform has set for itself, which is to bring together the strengths of various actors for a common cause: to streamline the mobility process and provide, in a single location and in the shortest possible time, all the solutions needed to obtain the various permits required for living in France.
Each year, GATE sets up for a new season at a new site within the Paris-Saclay area, where a dedicated space is provided. It helps to avoid long queues and offers specialized staff.
From now on, GATE will open its doors on a permanent basis each academic year from the end of August to the end of December.