Request service

Welcome to the digital GATE, your request will now be processed by the Science Accueil team who is pleased to support you in your installation and in your new environment.

The information we ask for is necessary to facilitate the processing of your request. we respect your privacy. To find out more, please read our conditions of use of our data below.

If you have any difficulty filling in this form, please contact us at:

Your address contact Instruction for registration



N.C.C.F (National Commission of Computing and Freedoms): information about you and contained in the files of Science Home are likely to be transmitted to public institutions of a scientific and technical nature, to French embassies abroad, to the Alfred Kastler National Foundation and French-foreign research associations. You can ask for it and have it rectified or deleted, if necessary, in accordance with the law in force on data processing, files and freedoms (law 78-17 of 6.1.1978). The questionnaire is not mandatory; in the absence of observation from you, your file will be kept in the computer file

We care about you !

How do we protect your datas :

  • The information we ask in the 2 forms are useful for us to help and guide you, all our staff is committed in the respect of the confidentiality of your datas
  • The statistic staff of the Scientific mobility observatory (FNAK_access from the Euraxess network, via the 2nd form) exploits them anonymously (that helps us to get subventions and keep on living)
  • Your host institute may be informed that you consult us, but not the contain of your consultations. If this constitute a pb for you, please write to [email protected]
  • If you accept, you will send you very interesting information every month, and invitations to social events… and you will be able to unsubscribe easily.


What we don’t do with your datas :

  • We don’t give your information to anyone else

You have a right to access and rectification of your datas, by contacting: [email protected] or [email protected]